《计划与市场》是我偏爱的刊物之一。所以,我同编辑部的朋友们一洋,以特殊的喜悦之情,来庆贺她的十周岁生日。 作为《计划与市场》热心的作者,我领略了她的豁达与大方。在这里,我谈计划管理体制改革的构想,讲市场经济发展的思路,论新体制建设的机遇与风险……虽然洋洋洒洒,然未因版面金贵遭“斧削”之痛;也曾慷慨激昂,却没借“庙小僧尊”而被敬而拒之。在这里,有的是画龙点睛与鞠躬尽瘁。正因为如此,我同其有了“千丝万缕”,在众多与我联系的报刊中,很看重“这一份”。
“Planning and Market” is one of my favorite publications. Therefore, I, together with my friends in the editorial department, celebrate her 10th birthday with a special delight. As an avid author of “Planning and Market,” I have enjoyed her open-mindedness and generousness. Here I will talk about the idea of a planned management system reform, the idea of a market economy development, and the opportunities and risks of the new system construction. Although it was eloquent, it was not painful to be “axed” for the layout of Jingui; By “temple monk respect” and be respected and refused. Here, some are finishing touches and sparing no efforts. Because of this, I have had “countless threads” with them and I value “this copy” in the numerous newspapers that are in contact with me.