在西部加拿大 ,长期存在着一种与魁北克分裂主义在特点和性质上完全不同的地方主义。它从 1 9世纪后期起开始孕育和发展 ,在经历了追求平等权利、农场主造反、省内建设和经济多样化、联邦与西部的石油大战等一系列的冲突和对抗后 ,逐渐发展成为一种具有地区特色的“离心主义”思潮。本文探讨了它产生的背景、过程和经久不衰的原因。
In Western Canada, for a long time, there was a kind of localism completely different in character and nature from that of Québec. It began to nurture and develop from the latter part of the19th century. After going through a series of conflicts and confrontations such as the pursuit of equal rights, the rebellion of farmers, the construction of the province and the diversification of economy, and the oil wars between the Federal and the West, it gradually developed into one “Centrifugalism” Trend with Regional Characteristics. This article explores the background, process, and enduring causes it produces.