【摘 要】
All organs of a plant control the distribution of carbohydrates throughout the body, but recent studies point out that the most important is the capacity of the stocks, so library characteristics are important to understand crop productivity. Several researchers (Shannah, 1988, 1972; Beevers et al., 1969; Keener et al., 1979) determined the generation and distribution of sucrose on the basis of sucrose transport to the reservoir and hydrolysis and metabolism
The littlest Higgs model with T-parity(LHT model)predicts the existence of the T-odd scalars(φ±,φ0,and φp).We consider the production of these new particles
苏丹草(Sorghum sudanense)是禾本科高粱属一年生草本植物,原产非洲北部苏丹草地区而得名。我国南方各省都有种植,深受各地群众欢迎。特别是各地的养鱼专业户、重点户都迫切
The steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection flow towards a vertical permeable surface with prescribed heat flux is investigated. The goveing partial d
从本世纪初Coben Stuant(1916)开始对茶树染色体进行研究起,大量科技工作者的工作已经得出茶树染色体在性细胞中为x=15,在体细胞中则以15为基数,一般为二倍体,少有三倍体、
The microscopic structure of the Wigne-seitz(W-S)cell in the inner crust of neutron stars is investigated with the relativistic mean field(RMF)approach.The W-S