最近,山东菏泽地区人民医院眼科传出一个罕见病例:医师王艾寅用镊子从一婴儿眼睛的泪囊处,取出了一个达一厘米长的大蛆。 王大夫在眼科门诊值班时,一农村妇女怀抱一个出生仅一个来月的男婴就诊。这孩子在出生十多天时便出现了一种不正常的哭闹,且每天哭闹的次
Recently, a peculiar case of ophthalmology came to People’s Hospital of Heze, Shandong Province. Physician Wang Yi-yin removed tweezers from the lacrimal sac of a baby’s eye and removed a large maggot up to one centimeter long. Dr. Wang in the eye clinic on duty, a rural woman embraced a baby boy who was born only a month to visit. When the child was born more than ten days there was an abnormal crying, crying times every day