清政府苦心经营20年的北洋水师没有挽救它终于失败的命运。唯有中国官兵在海战中浴血奋战、英勇牺牲所表现出来的民族精神,仍永远值得后人敬仰。 一百年前的今天,黄海上炮声震天,飞弹四射,硝烟弥漫。清军旗舰“定远”全船起火,甲板上的水手毫无畏惧,沉着发炮。有的炮手,身负重伤,仍坚守炮台,裹伤再战。“定远”舰的大炮击中敌军旗舰“松岛”的炮台,引起弹药爆炸和大火,死伤日
The Northern Song Navy, painstakingly run by the Qing government for 20 years, failed to salvage its finally defeated fate. Only the Chinese nationals who fought bloody battles in naval battles and demonstrated the heroic sacrifices will always be admired by future generations. Hundreds of years ago today, the Yellow Sea cannon was shattered, its missiles were scattered and its smoke filled the air. Qing national flagship “Ding Yuan” fire on the ship, deck sailors fearless, calmly fired. Some gunners, seriously wounded, still stick to the turret, bury battles. “Dingyuan” ship’s artillery hit enemy’s flagship “Songdo” fort, causing ammunition explosions and fire, casualty day