Finlandia Hall

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  Finland is one of the happiest countries in the world. Even if the modest Finns often joke about it, The UN World Happiness Report ranked Finland number one both in 2018 and 2019. And Finland does offer a lot to be happy about – there’s beautiful nature everywhere and Finland is famous for its thousands of lakes and forests.
  But nature is only half of the story, Finland takes pride in being a place where innovators and great minds meet, a land of science and culture. Being also one of the safest countries in the world, Finland offers a perfect setting for any international event.
  Unique premises
  Finlandia Hall is located in a beautiful park on T??l?nlahti Bay in the centre of Helsinki, close to the Parliament House, Finnish National Opera and Ballet and Helsinki Music Center. Main bus and railways stations are within walking distance and Finlandia Hall is easily accessed from Helsinki Airport.
  Finlandia Hall offers a unique setting for all your needs – from intimate private functions, tailor-made corporate events, and worldclass exhibitions to megastar concerts and major international congresses. Finlandia Hall makes every event a memorable experience.
  Aino Lounge
  The Aino Lounge is a compact, yet spacious meeting area divided into three sections.
  Aurora Hall
  The multipurpose Aurora Hall is a great setting for small meetings, seminars, training events, and product promotions.
  A stylish meeting space for 12 persons, where guests can enjoy Scandinavian design: the room features Oxford chairs by Arne Jacobsen. A distinct feature in the room is the ceiling’s light well, which creates a special atmosphere with its indirect light.
  Elissa Hall
  Elissa Hall is a multipurpose space which is perfect for meetings, congresses and banquets.
  Hall 1
  Hall 1 is likely to be everyone’s favourite. It features extensive natural greenery and floor-to-ceiling windows that provide an uninterrupted view of the surrounding park – making it a handsome space to enhance any event.
  Festive and funky
  Finlandia Hall is one of Finland’s leading concert venues and the main auditorium. The inspiring surroundings have seen numerous events from classical music to all styles and genres. Throughout its history, Finlandia Hall has hosted a range of shows from ABBA to Frank Zappa, Chuck Berry and Bj?rk.
  The large concert venue, Finlandia Hall, seats 1,700 people – or 1,200 on the floor alone. The concert package includes all the necessities: the event sound system, hall lighting and stage furniture. In addition to the concert hall, the Piazza foyer that offers a splendid view over the T??l? Bay Park, orchestra foyer and five musician dressing rooms are included in the package.   If your event needs a little extra power and energy, the venue can offer expanded PA system and lighting packages, stage risers, smoke effects and lighting of the outside walls and the entrance. Special furniture and concert grand piano are also available. If needed, they can offer data projectors, ICT services, and the opportunity to film and record the event. All events also get marketing visibility on Finlandia Hall’s website.
  Conference technology
  At Finlandia Hall they can arrange meetings and conferences using versatile conference technology. Professional event coordinators and hosts will help you plan and organise your conferences and events. They will also act as your personal contacts at Finlandia Hall. The technical service specialists work closely with event coordinators to ensure the needed technical solutions for the event.
  Conference catering
  Finlandia Restaurant has a strong reputation as a competent and flexible caterer of large-scale meetings and conferences, but it caters for smaller events with the same enthusiasm and expertise. The conference catering focuses on fresh produce and attractive presentation, making sure that menus are healthy and varied. It can plan the catering according to a theme, include innovative flavours and try light and trendy combinations.
吉隆坡会议中心多措并举助力可持续发展  5月初,吉隆坡会议中心成为马来西亚第一个与食物援助基金会合作的马来西亚专业场馆,将多余的食物和日用品分发给需用者。  根据合作内容,会议中心将提升员工团队以及普通大众减少粮食浪费的意识。此外,吉隆坡会议中心也积极响应联合国“可持续发展目标”,通过捐献粮食和物品,帮助实现“无贫困、零饥饿”等目标。  KLCC cooperates with Aid Found
2020年注定是不平凡的一年。春节之后,突如其来的疫情使外展人受到了史无前例的打击。和大家一样,我们经历了三月和四月的迷茫、无奈和困惑。在五月份我们意识到,必须要跟上国家的要求,创新服务模式,为外贸企业寻找订单。  盘点公司多年服务过共覆盖50多个国家的上千个展团、累计上万家参展企业,我们也很快调整状态,制定出新的方案。在六月份,我们就举办了第一场中国汽配企业出口(尼日利亚)线上海外买家对接会。从
“The industry of fairs and conventions in China is without doubt one of the biggest references worldwide, showing its dynamism, constant innovation and resilience, especially in these times. We hope t
北美国际车展延至2021年举办  日前,原定于6月9-10日举办的北美国际汽车博览会(NAIAS)宣布取消。本届车展原计划包含试驾、汽车狂欢以及各类汽车城际交流活动。由于目前美国的新冠疫情变得十分严重,美国联邦危机事件管理局决定将展会延期一年。展会的原举办地TCF中心将被改造成临时用于收治新冠病人的露天医院至少六个月之久。因此,明年的北美国际汽车博览会将于6月举办。  Naias to retur
新冠疫情几乎一夜之间迅速地蔓延至全球各地,这清楚地提醒了我们:在如今这个高度互联的世界,全球格局有可能很快就被改变。疫情对于会展行业的影响,我们已经深刻地感受到了——成千上万的各类活動不断延期或取消,在全球各个地方都是如此。国际会展活动更是由于边境管控政策基本全部停止。  那么,行业协同作战是否能纾解时局呢?我相信是可以的。尤其是,我们可以通过分享相关信息、经验、成功案例,以及在全行业采取广泛而持
全球会展行业成立联盟推动可持续发展  5月中旬,全球20多个领先的会展行业成立会展业可持续发展共同联盟(SEBIG),来推动会展行业在环境保护方面做出更大作用。SEBIG由知名会展营销与品牌公司服务商Freeman公司和全球最大会展主办方英富曼公司牵头,会员还包括各地主要会展主办方、场馆、会展中心与服务供应商等。  英富曼公司可持续发展主管Ben Wielgus表示,“作为联盟来共同推动会展业的可
新产品和布局巧妙的展位并不是在展会上给观众留下好印象的唯一手段。很多其他因素也至关重要,但却常常被参展者忽略。  展位位置  参加展览会就像盖造房屋,选到好的位置至关重要。如果可以,参展商应该尽量选择靠近过道、餐饮区、洗手间等人流量大的展位位置。此外,展位需要非常醒目,让观众可以从展馆的主干道一眼看到。值得一提的是,如果展位靠近洗手间,参展员工也可以就近不时地整理仪容仪表,保持良好的外观形象。  
From 8 to 14 April 2019, with more than 620,000 visitors from over 200 countries, bauma 2019, the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, co
根据ICCA和UFI的报告,亚太区依然是全球会奖行业的高增长区域。其中,泰国则是东盟地区的领先的会奖目的地,在国际会议方面连续三年蝉联区域第一,在展览方面更是连续14年一路领先。泰国会议与展览局局长Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya先生向记者分享了泰国作为区域会奖胜地的成功要素。  可观的可持续增长  作为知名会奖目的地,泰国在2019年各方面数字依然表现突出。该年度,泰
8月19-21日,在第十届中外会展项目(南京)合作洽谈会在南京空港国际博览中心隆重举办。8月21日上午,作为洽谈会的亮点论坛之一,出展论坛再次如期呈现在会展人士面前。  出国参展是外贸企业尤其是中小企业开拓国际市场的主要渠道。2020年年初爆发的新冠疫情席卷全球,导致多国会展活动停滞,中国企业出国参展严重受阻。但是,出展作为稳住外贸基本盘的重要举措,意义重大。本次论坛以“出展力量与外贸基本盘”为主