粉丽(Pink Lady)是澳大利亚斯特威尔园艺研究所 J.E.L.Cripps 用 Lady williams 和金冠杂交育成。果实属大果类型,平均直径70~75mm,果形椭圆-圆锥形,底色黄绿,表色粉红,幼树果实表面有棱,成年树果面光滑,萼洼深广,梗洼偶然有2~3cm~2灰白色斑。果肉白色,肉质致密较硬,汁液中等。果实含可溶性固形物13.0%左右,比金冠低1%;可滴定酸含量0.73%左右,比金冠高0.41%;果实硬度83N(牛顿),比金冠多3N,糖酸比值比金冠小,果皮薄,风味甜酸,清脆爽口,有芳香味。果实成熟期比红元帅晚8~9周,比澳洲青苹晚2~3周。贮藏性良好,20℃条件下可贮藏14
Pink Lady is a J. Horticultural Institute of Strathspear, Australia J.E.L.Cripps was bred with Lady williams and Golden Delicious. Fruit is a type of large fruit, the average diameter of 70 ~ 75mm, fruit-shaped oval - conical, yellow and green background, pink color, young tree fruit surface edges, adult tree smooth, deep calyx depression, stem depression 2 occasional 2 ~ 3cm ~ 2 gray spots. White flesh, flesh dense hard, medium juice. The fruit contains soluble solids of about 13.0%, 1% lower than the Golden Delicious; titratable acid content of about 0.73%, 0.41% higher than the Golden Delicious; fruit firmness 83N (Newton), 3N more than the Golden Delicious, , Sweet and sour taste, crisp and refreshing, fragrant. Fruit maturity than the Red Marshal night 8 to 9 weeks later than the Australian Green Ping 2 to 3 weeks. Good storage, storage at 20 ℃ can be 14