目的了解舟山市海岛地区蚊媒种群分布及病原体携带状况,为舟山市蚊媒传染病的防控提供科学依据。方法采用勺舀法采集蚊幼虫,用光诱捕法捕获成蚊进行种属鉴定,对蚊虫种群进行描述性分析。采用PCR检测所捕获蚊虫中登革热病毒、基孔肯雅病毒和流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)病毒携带状况。结果采集蚊幼虫样本106份,羽化后收获成蚊1 358只。经鉴定,包括2亚科5属11种。蚊幼虫监测结果显示舟山市白纹伊蚊、东乡伊蚊和致倦库蚊为优势种群,优势种指数分别为0.472、0.283和0.114;成蚊监测结果显示淡色库蚊/致倦库蚊和三带喙库蚊在舟山市分布广泛,捕获数分别占79.90%和19.86%,其中库蚊属环带库蚊和杵蚊属蛛形杵蚊为舟山市新发现种,捕获蚊虫中未检测到靶标病原体登革热病毒、基孔肯雅病毒和乙脑病毒等。结论白纹伊蚊、东乡伊蚊、致倦库蚊和三带喙库蚊为舟山市的优势蚊种,虽从捕获的蚊虫中未检测到靶标病毒,但病例输入后有暴发的风险,需加强蚊媒传染病防控。
Objective To understand the mosquito population distribution and pathogen carrying status in Zhoushan Island, and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of mosquito-borne infectious diseases in Zhoushan. Methods The ladle scoop method was used to collect mosquito larvae, and the adult mosquitoes were captured by light trapping method for species identification. The mosquito population was descriptively analyzed. PCR was used to detect the carrying status of dengue virus, chikungunya virus and Japanese encephalitis virus among captured mosquitoes. Results 106 mosquito larvae samples were collected and 1 358 adult mosquitoes were harvested after eclosion. Identified, including 2 subfamilies 5 genera and 11 species. Mosquito larvae monitoring results showed Zhoushan City Aedes albopictus, Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus Zhoushan as the dominant species, the dominant species index were 0.472,0.283 and 0.114; adult mosquito monitoring results showed Culex pipiens pallens / Culex tritaeniorhynchus was widely distributed in Zhoushan City, accounting for 79.90% and 19.86% of the total, respectively. Among them, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiensia were newly discovered species in Zhoushan City, and no target was detected in mosquitoes Pathogen Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus and JE virus. Conclusion Aedes albopictus, Aedes albopictus, Culex pipiens pallens and Culex tritaeniorhynchus are the dominant mosquito species in Zhoushan City. Although no target virus was detected in mosquitoes caught, the risk of outbreak after receiving the cases was Strengthen mosquito-borne disease prevention and control.