1 General Information 24-year-old pregnant woman, the main pregnancy due to the first fetal paroxysmal abdominal pain with vaginal discharge 2h admission 2012-8-18-1: 30. Examination: T36.5 ℃, P84 times / min, breathing 21 times / min, BP120 / 80mmHg, non-anemic appearance, heart and lung no smell and abnormal noise, edema (-), full-term pregnancy belly, 98cm, fetus B ultrasound and pregnant women without abnormal pelvic measurements. PV: Cervical soft, has disappeared 90%, cervix open big 0.5cmS-3. Past history, personal history and family history no special description. To improve the relevant inspection, monitoring fetal heart rate and labor progress, at 8-18-6: 30 in sterile