有不少人咳嗽时,喜欢自购中成药来治疗,这样做是很不明智的。根据中医的辨症分型,咳嗽有多种类型,如果用药不当,还会加重病情。因此选用治咳中成药时,必须根据咳嗽的不同类型对症下药。 风寒型咳嗽。冬春季发生的咳嗽多为此型。其症状为头痛、鼻塞、流涕、痰液稀薄呈泡沫状,或伴有怕冷、发热、无汗。可选用杏苏止咳糖浆、止咳青果丸,
When many people cough, they like to buy proprietary Chinese medicines for treatment. It is very unwise to do so. According to the TCM classification of syndromes, there are many types of coughs, and if they are not properly administered, they will aggravate their condition. Therefore, the choice of cough proprietary Chinese medicines must be based on the different types of cough under the right medicine. Cold type cough. Cough in winter and spring mostly for this type. The symptoms of headache, stuffy nose, runny nose, thin sputum was foam, or accompanied by cold, fever, no sweat. Optional apricot cough syrup, cough green fruit pills,