最大发射能力为8 发的多发 “原位” 靶丸注入装置已在中科院等离子体所建成。在 H T- 7 ,中国第一座超导托卡马克和 H T- 6 M 上进行了单发及多发试验。其差分单元及控制单元稳定可靠, 试验中测量了靶丸的尺寸和速度, 观察到显著而典型的物理现象, 实现了深度加料。加料效果显著,在单发靶丸注入时中心弦平均密度增长约50 % ,双发注入时约100 % 。实验中也观察到了明显的电子温度中空分布。文章介绍了系统的结构及操作,给出了实验现象及初步的物理分析结果。
The maximum firing capacity of 8 hair multiple “in situ” capsule injection device has been built in the Chinese Academy of Sciences plasma. Single and multiple trials were conducted at H-7, China’s first superconducting tokamak and H-6M. The differential unit and the control unit are stable and reliable. In the experiment, the size and speed of the pellets were measured, significant and typical physical phenomena were observed, and deep feeding was realized. The feeding effect is remarkable. The average density of central chord increased by about 50% when single shot was injected and about 100% when double shot was injected. The experiment also observed a clear hollow electron temperature distribution. The paper introduces the structure and operation of the system, and gives the experimental phenomena and preliminary physical analysis results.