
来源 :物理教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanghairenxuchenhui
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做物理习题是理论联系实际的重要方式,解物理习题,特别是解物理综合题时,必须弄清题中叙述的物理过程,这是解综合题的关键。只有搞清了物理过程,才能正确运用物理规律解题。下面举力学的综合题来说明。例1:在水平桌面上固定一块质量为 M 千克的木块,一质量为 m 千克的子弹以 v_0米/秒的速度水平射入木块,打进 d 米深(未穿出),如果这木块是放在光滑的水平桌面上,仍使 m 千克的子弹以 v_0米/秒的速度水平射入木块,问:子弹能打入木块多深?(设木块对子弹的阻力 f To do physical exercises is an important way to link theory with practice. To solve physics problems, especially when solving physics problems, you must clarify the physical process of the narration. This is the key to solving a comprehensive problem. Only by clarifying the physical process can we correctly apply the laws of physics. The following shows the comprehensive problem of mechanics. Example 1: A mass of M kg of wood is fixed on a horizontal table. A mass of kilograms of the bullet is injected into the block at a speed of v 0 m/s, and the depth of penetration is d (not penetrated). The block is placed on a smooth, level table, still allowing m kilograms of bullets to be fired into the block at a speed of v 0 m/s. Q: How deep can the bullets hit the block? (Set the resistance of the blocks to the bullets f
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