我场鸭塘分场于 1984年根据我州渔业发展需要而扩建,建有池塘 17口,面积 0.5公顷,水源主要来源于 2公里外的清水江水轮泵站提水灌溉。 1992年水轮泵站改为电站后终断水源至今,造成全部池塘干涸,生产停滞。 1998年在上级有关单位的支持下,投资 20余万元在分场钻 150米深水
My site Yatang Sub-site was expanded in 1984 according to the needs of fishery development in our province. It has 17 ponds with an area of 0.5 hectares. The water source mainly comes from the Qingshui River Pumping Station pumping water pumping station 2 kilometers away. Water Turbine Pump Station in 1992 after the termination of the power switch so far, resulting in all the ponds dried up, production stagnation. In 1998, with the support of the higher authorities, the project invested more than 200,000 yuan to drill 150-meter deep water at the sub-site