试验用鱼:当年草鱼种取自深圳市东山养殖场。共300尾,挑选健康且大小较均匀的个体,于室内水泥池中驯化一周后供实验用。 试验饲料:试验用饲料由中科院南海海洋所配制。主要成分:玉米粉50%,花生饼30%,鱼粉10%,其它成分10%。鱼用化十香味素由中外合资广州化十营养保健饲料公司提供。 试验条件与日常管理:试验于室内1.5×1×1米的水泥池中进行。试验阶段水温控制在25±1℃。日投饲量按试验鱼体重的3%,每天早上8点及下午5点各投喂一半。每天早上清除残饵一次。为保持实验条
Test fish: grass carp was taken from Shenzhen Dongshan farms. A total of 300, select the healthy and relatively uniform size of individuals, acclimated in the indoor cement pool for a week after the experiment. Test feed: Test feed formulated by the South China Sea by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main components: 50% corn flour, peanut cake 30%, fish meal 10%, other ingredients 10%. Fish used in ten flavor by the Sino-foreign joint ventures in Guangzhou Ten Nutrition and Feed Company. Test conditions and daily management: Test indoor 1.5 × 1 × 1 meter cement pool. The water temperature during the test is controlled at 25 ± 1 ℃. Daily feeding amount of 3% of body weight test fish, every day at 8 o’clock in the morning and half past 5 pm. Remove the bait once a day. To keep the experimental strip