,Progressive silencing of the zinc transporter Zip8 (Slc39a8) in chronic cadmium-exposed lung epithe

来源 :生物化学与生物物理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yc513485587
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Cadmium (Cd),a non-essential metal,stealthily enters the cells by utilizing the essential metal importing pathways.The zinc transporters Zip8,Zip14,and divalent metal transporter 1 (Dmt1) are now emerging as several important metal transporters involved in cellular Cd incorporation and their expressions have been shown to be down-regulated in several Cd-resistant (CdR) cell lines,however,the involvement of these transporters during the development of Cd-resistance in lung cells is unclear.In this study,we therefore check the expression of these metal transporters in our previously established rat lung epithelial cells (LECs) and show that the level of Zip8 is progressively silenced when LECs are adapted to increasing concentrations of CdCl2 (from 1 to 20 μM).Subsequent measurement of the cellular Cd content indicated that CdR LECs exhibit a marked decrease of Cd accumulation,possibly due to the loss of Zip8 expression.We investigate the possibility that epigenetic silencing of the Zip8 gene by DNA hypermethylation is involved in the down-regulation of Zip8 expression.CdR LECs show a higher mRNA level of DNA methyltransferase 3b (Dnmt3b) than parental cells.Treatment of CdR LECs with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine,an inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases,reverted the expression of Zip8 and sensitivity to Cd in these cells,indicating the critical role of Zip8 for Cd import.Taken together,our results demonstrate that the progressive silencing of Zip8 expression is involved in the acquisition of resistance against Cd in lung cells,representing an adaptive survival mechanism that resists Cd-induced cytotoxicity.
目的:为国内图书馆开展嵌入科研工作流的数据服务提供思考和借鉴. 方法:在数据开放获取的背景下,以化学学科为研究对象,提出基于化学科研工作流的数据生命周期包括项目启动
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