《万国公报》是一份以宣传基督教为主旨的刊物 ,但它在近代中国却以鼓吹变法而出名。本文对《万国公报》的变法主张进行了全面的综述和评论 ,既肯定其鼓吹变法有利于维新思潮的形成 ,某些变法主张对维新派和清政府也产生了一定的影响 ,又指出其宣教的最终目的和为英美利益服务的立场
The Universal Report is a publication that focuses on the promotion of Christianity. However, in modern China, it was famous for advocating change. This article comprehensively reviews and comments on the reform proposals of the “Universal Declaration”, confirming that advocating change is conducive to the formation of a new trend of ideological reform. Some of the proposed changes have also exerted a certain influence on the reformists and the Qing government, The ultimate goal and serve the interests of Britain and the United States