贫血(anemia)常以不同程度、不同形式与感染(infection)伴随存在,其中由海帕西啶(hepcidin)的过度表达所导致的炎性贫血(anemia of inflammation,AOI)最为常见,同时还包括溶血性贫血、红细胞增殖分化障碍和失血等,且不同原因所致贫血有其特有病理生理机制。贫血程度与感染严重程度之间也未必呈现必然的比例关系,此类贫血也非针对于特定类型的感染。临床医师对导致贫血的不同原因要有清晰的了解,同时认识这些原因极有可能联合存在,对于形成正确的诊断和恰当的处理思路相当重要,并极有帮助。
Anemia is often accompanied by different degrees and different forms and infections. Among them, anemia of inflammation (AOI) caused by overexpression of hepcidin is the most common, and it also includes Hemolytic anemia, erythroid proliferation and differentiation disorders and blood loss, and anemia caused by different causes have their own unique pathophysiological mechanisms. Neither the degree of anemia nor the severity of the infection is necessarily proportional, nor is anemia specific to a particular type of infection. Clinicians have a clear understanding of the different causes leading to anemia, and understanding that these causes are likely to co-exist is important and helpful in shaping a correct diagnosis and proper treatment.