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电视时政新闻节目要取得理想的传播效果,除了题材典型、内容鲜活、导向正确外,叙事体系也要相应地变化和改进。在当前新兴媒体快速崛起的全媒体时代,生硬、刻板、僵化的播报模式,观众已难于接受。笔者认为,当前电视时政新闻节目叙事体系的变化应该体现在三个方面,即以群众语言替代官话套话、以同期声替代“两张皮”、以讲述故事替代照本宣科。实际上,电视时政新闻节目的改进余地还很大,报道题材可以更加贴 In order to achieve the desired effect of dissemination of news programs of the political affairs of the TV industry, the narrative system should be changed and improved accordingly, in addition to the typical theme, fresh content and correct orientation. In the all-media era where the emerging media is rapidly emerging, the blunt, rigid and rigid mode of broadcast announces the audience has been hard to accept. The author believes that the current television political news program changes in the narrative system should be reflected in three aspects, that is, to replace the official language of the masses to speak, to replace the “two skins” in the same period, to tell the story of alternative scripted. In fact, there is still much room for improvement in the television news program of the political affairs so that the topics covered can be more affixed
山上,云多,雾也多;一到冬天,就好像住在云中、雾里。  有时候,云是云,雾是雾;有时候,云雾一家,混沌不分。我坐在窗前,常常可以看见如烟似的轻雾自谷中袅袅升起,如丝如缕。  刚刚还是朗朗乾坤,青色山脉犹向你招手含笑,霎时便白茫茫一片,山在虚无缥缈间,仿佛真有“仙乐风飘处处闻”呢!打开窗子,它们便像不请自来的客人,施施然、悠悠然地登堂入室,真想掬它一把,做一支棉花糖,有薄荷的清凉、栀子花的芬芳,化入