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爱丽丝·门罗小说通常以普通生活场景开场,小切口,读下来却别有洞天,其小说长于细节和女性心理刻画,展现出女性对事物细致的观察和精准的领悟,见微知著,让人折服。在小说中门罗运用高超的心理技术和叙述手段分别从梦境、情结、突然的情绪等方面来表现。 Alice Monroe’s novels usually start with ordinary scenes of life. Small incisions and readings are quite different. His novels are longer than details and portrayals of feminine psychology. They show women’s meticulous observation and accurate comprehension of things. In the novel Monroe uses superb psychological techniques and narrative means from the dream, complex, sudden emotions and so on.