菊瘿蚊属双翅目瘿蚊科 ,主要危害早菊品种。该虫在国外文献中曾有记载 ,国内较少报道 ,仅北京市园林局在北京发现此虫。 2 0 0 0年春季我们在本院花卉基地及宜昌枝江市的菊花上也发现了此虫 ,为了防止菊瘿蚊蔓延 ,现将我们初步调查与防治结果报道如下。1 菊瘿蚊的形态特征及发
Chrysanthemum genus Diptera head mosquito family, the main hazard to the morning-chrysanthemum species. The worm has been documented in foreign literature, less reported in China, only the Beijing Municipal Gardens Bureau found the worm in Beijing. In the spring of 2000, we also found this pest on the flowers base of our hospital and the chrysanthemums in Zhijiang, Yichang. In order to prevent the spread of chrysomugo, we report the results of our preliminary investigation and prevention as follows. 1 Chrysanthemum mosquito morphological characteristics and hair