1 1994年1月15日,北国沈阳,雪花轻飘,气温降至零下20℃。沈阳军区高干住宅区风雨坛,吕黎平老将军的客厅,却是暖洋洋的。年已七十又七的吕老只穿一件毛线衣,精神矍铄,谈笑风生。 这位从“模范县”江西兴国走出来的将军,曾被叶剑英赞为“对革命有过特殊贡献的同志”。那是1935年9月9日,时任红军前敌总指挥部作战科副科长的他,冒险将张国焘企图危害党中央的密电送交叶剑英参谋长,随即又提供当时我军唯一的甘肃省十万分之一地图,使党中央率红一、三军及时脱离了险境。吕黎平的另一贡献是,从我党组建第一支航空队到空军的成立与壮大,均是直接参加者,在担负领导职务期间,提出了颇多独特建议与方案,为上级采纳和肯定,对空军的发展与革命化、现代化建设,做出了开拓性的贡献。 说到空军,吕老将军的话可多了。他兴致勃勃拿来一叠照片,那是他当年参与赴苏谈判组建空军的历史记录。虽然时过境迁,但他却依然记忆犹新,条分缕晰。 2 1949年7月初,正在上海准备接管国民党华东航空处的吕黎平奉命回到北平,参加以肖华为团长的中国青年代表团赴布加勒斯特,出席世界青年联欢节。出国人员短期集训刚结束,代表团尚未启程,他又被第四野战军参谋长兼东北航校校长刘亚
1 January 15, 1994, northern Shenyang, snow drifts, the temperature dropped to minus 20 ℃. Shenyang military high residential area storm, Lvliping veteran’s living room, it is warm. Seven seventy years old Lu wearing only a sweater, shy, laughing. The general who emerged from “rejuvenating Jiangxi Province” in “model county” was praised by Ye Jianying as “a comrade who has made special contributions to the revolution.” It was September 9, 1935, when he served as deputy chief of operations of the Red Army’s former headquarters commander in chief, he risks Zhang Guotao attempt to endanger the CPC Central Committee’s secret power sent to Ye Jianying chief of staff, then also provided the only Gansu Province our army one hundred thousand One by one map, so that the CPC Central Committee rate of red, and three armies out of the woods in time. Another contribution of Lv Luping is that from the establishment of the first aviation corps of our party to the formation and expansion of the Air Force, all of them are direct participants. During their leadership positions, they made quite a few unique suggestions and proposals for adoption and affirmation by their superiors , Made a pioneering contribution to the development, revolutionization and modernization of the Air Force. When it comes to the Air Force, General Lu’s words are much better. He enthusiastically brought a stack of photos, that is, he was involved in the Soviet Union to negotiate the formation of the Air Force history. Although the passage of time, but he still remembers the new rules. 2 In early July 1949, Lv Liping, who was preparing to take over the East China Aviation Department of the KMT in Shanghai, was ordered to return to Peiping to attend a Chinese youth delegation headed by Xiao Hua and his delegation to Bucharest to attend the World Youth Festival. Short-term training of overseas personnel just ended, the delegation has not yet left, he was the fourth Field Army Chief of Staff and Northeast Air School principal Liu Ya