小柴胡汤为治疗少阳病的主方。由柴胡、黄芩、半夏、生姜、人参、炙甘草组成,方中柴胡气质轻清,苦味最薄,能解少阳之郁滞,散邪透表, 黄芩苦寒,气味较重,能清胸腹蕴热以除烦满。柴芩合用,可解半表半里之邪。生姜、半夏调理脾胃,降逆止呕。甘草、大枣、人参益气和中,扶正祛邪。本方寒热并用,攻补兼施,有疏利三焦、条达上下,宣通内外,和畅气机的作用。本方中各药物用量,以柴胡居首,倍于参草之上,若加大人参用量,恐有留邪之弊。
Xiao Chai Hu Tang is the main treatment for Shaoyang disease. It consists of Bupleurum, Scutellaria, Pinellia, Ginger, Ginseng, and Zhigancao. The Chaihu is light and clear, the bitterest is the thinnest, it can relieve the stagnation of Shaoyang, spread the evil through the table, and suffer from chills, heavy smell, and can clear the chest. Abdomen heat to eliminate Chufan full. Chai Xie can be used to solve half of the evil. Ginger, Pinellia conditioned spleen and stomach, Jiangni vomiting. Licorice, jujube, ginseng, qi, and Chinese medicine are used to restore vitality. This side uses cold and heat, uses both attack and meditation, has Shuai Sanjiao, and has reached up and down, declared the inside and outside, and the role of qi. The amount of each drug in this party is topped with Bupleurum, which is more than that of ginseng. If the amount of ginseng is increased, there is a fear that it will remain evil.