Objective To investigate the clinical features of children with atypical advanced appendicitis. Methods A retrospective investigation of 415 patients with advanced appendicitis from January 2002 to August 2004 was performed. According to the modified Alvarado score, the children were divided into three groups: atypical group, suspected group and typical group. The clinical features of the patients were compared and the clinical features were summarized. Clinical characteristics of atypical advanced appendicitis. Results between atypical group and typical group of children in the age distribution, presence of obesity, there is a certain difference between the distribution of appendix. Atypical group of children under the age of 4 relatively high proportion; obese children a relatively high proportion of their appendix position distribution is different, the typical group of ileum and pelvic predominant, while atypical group with cecum And the main ileum. Conclusions The atypical appearence of children with progressive appendicitis is related to the age, obesity and appendix position of children. Simply using the scoring system based on clinical symptoms may delay the treatment of these children.