在凤翔登高远眺,极目四野,层林叠翠,满眼新绿。这是退耕还林工程使凤翔焕发出的勃勃生机。 目前,凤翔县已退耕还林8万亩,封山育林10万亩。面积之大,速度之快,效果之好,创下了凤翔林业史上的“三个之最”。 凤翔十年九旱,土壤涵养水源的能力差,山区年降水量不足400毫米,植树成活率很低。为了确保“退得下,还得上”,凤翔县投资200多万元建起了高标准的中心苗圃和天保苗圃,从选
Ascension in the Fengxiang far, overlooking the four wild, storied Pinnacle, full of new green eyes. This is the project of returning farmland to forest to make Fengxiang glow full of vigor and vitality. At present, Fengxiang County has returned 80000 acres of cultivated land, afforestation 100,000 acres. Large area, speed, good effect, setting a Fengxiang forestry history “three of the most.” Fengxiang nine drought in ten years, the ability of soil to retain water is poor, less than 400 mm annual rainfall in mountainous areas, tree survival rate is very low. In order to ensure that “retreat, have access to”, Fengxiang County invested more than 200 million to set up a high standard of nurseries and nurseries Tianxu election