把握协调规律 做好协调工作

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秘书部门的协调,主要是综合性的、日常性的协调,头绪多、协调量大、随机性强。怎样才能搞好综合协调?一、胸有全局与维护全局。毛泽东同志说过,没有全局在胸,是下不出一着好棋的。这就告诉我们,是否了解和把握全局,对能否搞好协调至关重要。把握了全局,才能掂量出每件事情的分量;想到全局,才能与领导思考问题的方向保持一致。可见,协调能力的提高与大局观的确立是同步相随的。要做到胸有全局,就要善于捕捉关系全局的重要信息,并注意把自己协调的每件事情放到全局的高度去审视。这样,协调工作的立足点就高了,想问题也就会更深刻、更全面。顾全大局,最重要的是要自觉维护大局,自觉服从大局,真正从大局出发,把增进领导之间的团结、领导与机关之间的团结、机关各 The coordination of the secretarial department is mainly of a comprehensive and routine coordination with a lot of clues, a large amount of coordination and a strong randomness. How can we improve the overall coordination? First, with the overall situation and maintain the overall situation. Comrade Mao Tse-tung has said that there is no overall situation in mind and that there is no good chess under it. This tells us whether understanding and grasping the overall situation is crucial to the coordination. Grasp the overall situation, in order to measure out the weight of each thing; think of the overall situation, in order to think leadership and leadership direction. It can be seen that the improvement of coordination ability and the establishment of the overall situation are synchronized. To achieve the overall situation, we must be good at capturing important information related to the overall situation, and pay attention to coordinate everything from the perspective of the overall situation. In this way, the foothold for coordination will be high and the problem will be even deeper and more comprehensive. In the light of the overall situation, the most important thing is to consciously safeguard the overall interests and subordinate ourselves to the overall situation. We should truly proceed from the overall situation and take the principle of enhancing unity among leaders, uniting leaders and organs,
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