日本在胃病诊断学上取得了惊人的进步,X 线的双重造影、内窥镜检查、内窥镜的胃照像、纤维内窥镜直视下行活组织检查(下略称活检),已成为当今诊断胃病不可缺少的手段。下面仅就胃活检的效用与易产生的错误加以探讨。早期胃癌的胃活检当前,早期胃癌活检阳性率已达95%以上。作者所在单位1964年早期胃癌活检阳性率为78%,1967年胃镜前端加上角度装置后,使阳性率逐年增高。早期胃癌活检阳性率除Ⅲ型外,均达95%以上。其中Ⅱa 比Ⅰ、Ⅱc 低,
Japan has made amazing progress in gastroenterology diagnostics. X-ray double contrast, endoscopy, endoscopic gastric photocopying, and biopsy under direct visualization of fibro-endoscopes (simply biopsy) have become An indispensable means for diagnosing stomach problems. The following only discusses the effectiveness of gastric biopsy and the errors that are likely to occur. Gastric biopsy of early gastric cancer Currently, the positive rate of early gastric cancer biopsy has reached more than 95%. The positive rate of gastric cancer biopsy in early 1964 was 78% in the author’s unit. In 1967, the positive rate was increased year-on-year after the gastroscope was added to the front of the gastroscope. The positive rate of early gastric cancer biopsy was above 95% except for type III. IIa is lower than I and IIc.