
来源 :新农村 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhushaoxiang2009
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全日制村干部中专班和中专函授班作为村干部中等专业学历正规教育的两种主要形式,已逐步在全省各地展开。村干部中等专业学历教育将造就一支适应新形势发展要求,具有较高文化素质和管理水平的跨世纪农村干部队伍。在完善村干部中等专业学历教育这种形式的过程中,笔者认为要把握好以下四个“率”:一、后备干部学员要防止单一率中等专业学历教育的学员,主要是在职村干部和后备干部。在推荐后备干部学员的过程中,有些村干部特别是村主要干部担心这些学员毕业后回村影响自己 Full-time village cadre secondary school and secondary school correspondence classes as the village cadres of secondary professional education formal education in two main forms, has been gradually throughout the province. The education for middle-level specialties of village cadres will create a cross-century cadre of cadres who meet the requirements of the new situation and develop with a high cultural quality and management level. In the process of perfecting the education of secondary professional education for village cadres, the author believes that the following four “rates” should be grasped: 1. Reserve cadre students should prevent students with a single-rate secondary professional degree education, mainly in village cadres and reserve cadre. During the process of recommending reserve cadre trainees, some village cadres, especially village cadres, are worried that these trainees will return to their villages and influence themselves after graduation