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笔者曾在农村生活及劳动过十年,近七年又因为用“思想考古”的方法来做江右思想家的学术研究,(参见拙文《思想考古方法与中国哲学史研究》,载《现代哲学》2002年第3期)故而经常奔波在田间、村落、小镇、山水间。在跨时空寻访中国古代思想文化大师的过程中,亦对现代中国农村的状况有许多的感触。我常常在思考一个问题:中国农民如何才能融入现代社会呢? I have lived and worked in rural areas for ten years, and in the past seven years, I used to do “academic archeology” with the method of “thinking archeology” (see Zhuo Wen, “Archeology of Archeology and the History of Chinese Philosophy” Modern Philosophy "2002 the third period) Therefore, often rushing in the fields, villages, towns, landscapes. In the process of looking across the ancient Chinese thought and culture masters across time and space, they also have many feelings about the conditions in modern rural China. I often think about the question: how can Chinese peasants integrate into modern society?