姜尼·罗大里(Gianni Rodari, 1920-1980)是这样一类作家,他关心的不是语言问题,而是人及其道德,自由和激情。换句话说,他不是所谓的纯艺术家。与十九世纪的伟大小说家不同,他走的是幻想文学的路子:他以自己的方式观察和批判现实,同时建筑乌托邦——一个梦想中的美好的未来世界。这种方式就是童话。 1920年10月21日罗大里生于意大利北部小镇奥梅尼亚。父亲是面包师,他的过早去世,使家庭陷于贫困。十七岁时,罗大里以小学教师的身分进入社会谋生。1944年,他加入了共产党。1970年,获得国际安徒生奖。他毕生为儿童写作,留下了包括《洋葱头历险记》、《假话国历险记》等在内的诸多童话佳作。恐怕很多人都记得洋葱头和他的伙伴们在蔬菜王国的历险,以及小茉莉在
Gianni Rodari (1920-1980) is a type of writer who is not concerned with language problems but with people and their morality, freedom and passion. In other words, he is not a so-called pure artist. Unlike the great novelists of the nineteenth century, he follows the path of fantasy literature: he observes and critiques the reality in his own way while building a utopia - a dreaming beautiful future world. This is a fairy tale. On October 21, 1920, Rodriguez was born in Omenia, a small town in northern Italy. His father is a baker, his premature death, the family trapped in poverty. At the age of seventeen, Luo Dali made his living in society as a primary school teacher. In 1944 he joined the Communist Party. In 1970, received the International Hans Christian Andersen Award. He spent his entire life writing for children, leaving behind many fairy tales including The Adventures of Onions and The Adventures of a Troll. I am afraid many people remember the adventure of Onion Head and his companions in the vegetable kingdom,