
来源 :南通医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zenghui_yan
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在过敏性紫癜 (HSP)病理过程中 ,由于血管内皮损伤、血液动力学及血液成分的改变等 ,导致患儿体内止血系统的异常。凝血、抗凝血及纤溶间的动态平衡失调 ,即凝血功能亢进 ,抗凝血功能下降 ,纤溶激活代偿不显著。表明本病存在一种血栓形成前期的亚临床状态 ,即高凝状态。这在皮疹的病理活检中也可观察到真皮血管内栓塞的现象。随着研究的深入 ,将为临床诊断 ,应用抗凝、溶栓治疗及预后判断提供理论依据和客观指标 In the pathological process of Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), due to vascular endothelial injury, hemodynamic and blood composition changes, resulting in abnormal hemostatic system in children. Coagulation, anti-coagulation and fibrinolysis between the dynamic balance disorders, namely, hyperthyroidism, decreased anticoagulant function, fibrinolytic compensation was not significant. Show that the disease there is a subclinical state of pre-thrombosis, hypercoagulable state. This is also observed in dermal vascular embolism in the pathological biopsy of the rash. With the deepening of research, clinical diagnosis, application of anticoagulation, thrombolytic therapy and prognosis to provide a theoretical basis and objective indicators