十一月七日,联合国大会与联合国安理会同时投票,选举国际法院法官。我国外交部法律顾问、联合国国际法委员会委员倪征(日奥)教授,以绝对多数票当选为国际法院法官。他是新中国成立三十五年来首次当选的中国籍法官。 记者在北京东交民巷一座楼寓的书房里,访问了这位为中国法学界赢得了荣誉的人。眼前这位大法官,温文尔雅,地道的学者风度。那银白色的头发,说明着他有丰富的阅历,但他精神矍铄,很难使人相
On November 7, the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council voted simultaneously to elect a judge of the International Court of Justice. Professor Ni Zheng, legal advisor of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member of the United Nations International Law Commission, was elected as an absolute judge of the International Court of Justice by an absolute majority. He is the first Chinese national judge to be elected in thirty-five years since the founding of new China. The reporter interviewed the man who won the honor for the Chinese legal circle in a study room housed in a building in East Jiao Min Lane in Beijing. The judge in front of me, gentle, authentic scholarly demeanor. That silver-white hair, shows that he has a wealth of experience, but he was shy, it is difficult to make appearance