抗菌药物在治疗和控制各种感染中发挥着积极作用,但临床存在不合理用药甚至滥用的现象,诱发多重耐药菌产生〔1〕。为规范抗菌药物临床应用管理,某医院采取持续综合措施对抗菌药物临床应用进行干预,现将结果分析报告如下。1方法1.1调查方法2012年9月1日-12月31日出院患者14 195例为对照组,2013年1月-12月31日出院患者42 879例为干预组,利用基于医院信息管理系统
Antimicrobial drugs in the treatment and control of various infections play an active role, but the clinical existence of irrational use of drugs or even abuse of the phenomenon induced by multi-resistant bacteria [1]. To regulate the clinical application of antimicrobial agents, a hospital to take sustained and comprehensive measures to intervene in the clinical application of antimicrobial agents, the results of the analysis are reported as follows. 1 Methods 1.1 Methods of investigation From September 1 to December 31, 2012, a total of 14 195 discharged patients were selected as the control group. From January 2013 to December 31, 42 879 discharged patients were used as the intervention group. Based on the hospital information management system