据报道,银合欢[Leucaena leucocephala(Lam.)de wit.]生长迅速,材质优良,纹理致密,硬度适中,易于加工,是制家具、建筑的用材,又可作为浆粕、人造纤维原料。它是饲料、肥料、燃料、木料和工业原料树种。其根系发达,具有根瘤菌,枝叶茂盛,既可改良土壤又可保持水土。由于它具有用途广泛,生长迅速,再生能力强的特点,目前能源缺乏的国家和地区,都重视引种栽培,而且称它为八十年代的“绿色能源”、“奇迹树”。
It has been reported that Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De wit. Grows rapidly, has good material quality, compact texture, moderate hardness and is easy to process. It is used as a material for furniture and construction and as a raw material for pulp and rayon. It is a feed, fertilizer, fuel, wood and industrial raw tree species. Its root system developed with rhizobia, lush foliage, both to improve the soil and maintain soil and water. Due to its wide range of uses, rapid growth and strong regenerative capacity, the current energy-deficient countries and regions all emphasize the introduction of cultivation and call it the “green energy” and “miracle tree” of the 1980s.