根据实践经验,在品种、秧苗素质、大田条件大体相同的情况下,夏季同一天内晴天傍晚比早晨、上午和中午插的秧苗,返青期分别缩短2、4、5天。 这是因为水稻返青最适宜的水温是30~32℃,超过35℃则不利于萌发新根。夏天插秧正值高温酷暑,白天中午的水温高达35℃以上。这个时候插
According to practical experience, under the same general conditions of varieties, seedling quality and field conditions, the sunny days in the summer are shorter than the morning, the morning and the noon. This is because the optimum water temperature for rejuvenating rice is 30 to 32 ° C, while exceeding 35 ° C is not conducive to germinating new roots. Summer transplanting is hot and humid summer, noon during the day the water temperature up to 35 ℃ above. This time insert