一个人的思想艺术发展,应该有一个完整过程。可是,有关郑板桥的资料绝大部分是青年时期以后的;他的童年和少年是怎样度过的?这对他以后的成长有什么影响?很有探讨的必要。 《昭阳郑氏书带草堂家谱》记载:“……十三世之本,号梦阳、立庵、厚生。生于康熙癸丑年十月初四未时。妻汪氏、郝氏。卒年不详,葬于刹院寺。生子燮。”根据这一记载和《郑板桥集》中的有关材料,我们知道,板桥三周年失去生母汪氏,其父郑立庵继娶郝氏。后母郝氏未生育,待板桥如亲生,
A person’s ideological and artistic development, there should be a complete process. However, most of the information about Zheng Banqiao is after the youth; how did his childhood and youth spend? What impact did he have on his future growth? It is very necessary to explore. “Zhaoyang Zheng’s Book with the grass thatch genealogy” records: “... ... the thirteenth Century, No. Meng Yang, Li Um, Hou Sheng was born in Kangxi Guichou early October fourth day .Wife Wang, Hao’s death According to this record and the relevant material in ”Zheng Banqiao", we know that the third anniversary of Banqiao lost his mother, Wang’s, and his father, Cheng Li-an, married Hao. After the mother Hao not fertility, to Banqiao such as biological,