自从1971年由美国英特尔(Intel)公司生产出第一个微处理器以来,在这短短的十年中,随着半导体技术及计算技术的飞速发展,微处理器的性能越来越好,应用也越来越广,其发展速度是相当惊人的。就目前的情况来看,微处理器的应用是向着二个方向发展,一是用于一般的科学计算及企业管理方面,现在正与小型机展开激烈的竞争,如高档16位微处理器Intel 8086,Zilog Z—8000,Motorola 68000均已问世。另一面微处理器还广泛用于控制
Since the first microprocessor was produced by Intel Corporation in 1971, the performance of microprocessors has been getting better and better with the rapid development of semiconductor technology and computing technology in these short ten years. The application is also more and more widely used, its development speed is quite amazing. The current situation, the application of the microprocessor is to develop in two directions, one for general scientific computing and enterprise management, is now fierce competition with minicomputers, such as high-end 16-bit microprocessor Intel 8086, Zilog Z-8000, Motorola 68000 have come out. The other side of the microprocessor is also widely used for control