母本撒直播的优越性很多,主要是节省劳力,降低成本;错开农时,调节花期;苗匀蘖壮,便于去杂;生长协调,花期集中;有效穗多,有利高产等。其技术措施如下: 1.整地作畦。由于母本是直接撒直播,因此,制种田整地应比母本育秧移栽田精细。要求少耕多耙,泥土上糊下松。耙田时,每亩要施些农家肥和25公斤钙镁磷肥或过磷酸钙。制种日趟平后,使泥土沉实1~2天,然后按照相当于母本移栽田1:10~12的行比,开好畦沟。一般畦宽6.4~7.2尺,长75尺左右。要做到畦面平整,畦沟平直,“三沟”相通。 2.播种错期。由于母本撒直播制种是一播成苗,没有播后“返青期”。因此,父母本的错期应在母本育苗移栽制种的合理播种错期的基础上,适
The mother of the broadcast of the many advantages of live broadcast, mainly to save labor, reduce costs; staggered agriculture, the regulation of flowering; seedling tiller strong, easy to go to miscellaneous; growth and coordination, flowering; effective spike, favorable high yield. The technical measures are as follows: 1. Soil preparation for 畦. As the mother is direct broadcast live broadcast, therefore, the system of farming should be more than the mother of seedling transplanted field fine. Require less tillage more rake, mud paste on the soil. Harrow field, apply some manure per acre and 25 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer or superphosphate. Seeding day after the trip, so that the soil is solid 1 to 2 days, and then transplanted in the motherland equivalent to the ratio of 1: 10 ~ 12, ditch ditch. The general width of 6.4 to 7.2 feet, 75 feet long. To be smooth noodles, noodles straight, “Three ditch ” interlinked. Sowing the wrong time. Due to the mother sowing broadcast is a sowing broadcast seedlings, no sow “return green”. Therefore, the parents of the wrong period should be transplanted in the mother of seedling planted on the basis of a reasonable sowing time, appropriate