采访林丽韫前,记者就知道她的一生富有传奇色彩。她是地地道道的“台湾的女儿”。1999年,林丽韫首次返回台中县清水镇老家时,家乡父老均以林家出了这么优秀的女性为荣,当地镇长特别做了一块“清水之光”的纪念牌送给她,表达了地方百姓的敬佩之意。一天上午,在全国人大常委会的办公室里,记者专访了林丽韫。 “我从小知道自己是中国人” 1933年3月22曰,林丽韫出生在台中的清水镇。“听父亲说,
Before interviewing Lin Li,, the reporter knew her life was legendary. She is an authentic “daughter of Taiwan.” In 1999, when Lin Lixiu returned to her home in Qingshui Town, Taichung County for the first time, her elders in his hometown were so proud of her that she was such a good woman. The local mayor gave her a commemorative card entitled “The Light of Clear Water” The admiration of meaning. One morning, in the office of the NPC Standing Committee, the reporter interviewed Lin Luan. “I grew up to know myself as a Chinese.” On March 22, 1933, Lin Li-韫 was born in Shimizu, Taichung. "Listen to my father,