一个被称为新疆唯一能生产压力容器为主的福利新型企业,一位现已56岁的残疾人高生顶带领的一群少数民族残疾人,却干出了令人钦佩又难以置信的业绩。他们这样做,既减轻了国家和准东的负担,又促进了民族团结和社会稳定,受到了各级人民政府和领导的好评。 在世界助残日来临之际,笔者慕名来到这里采访,一下车就被眼前的一切惊呆了,工业广场整齐干净,试验室里各种设备大显身手,车间里的车床在飞转,电孤焊在不停地闪光,一片繁忙景象,好似一
A group of ethnically disabled people, known as Xinjiang’s only welfare-oriented new company that can produce pressure vessels, and a 56-year-old handicapped person with disabilities, have done admirable and incredible performance. In doing so, they have not only reduced the burden on the country and the Quasi-East, but also promoted national unity and social stability. They have been well received by the people’s governments and leaders at all levels. At the onset of the World Day for Disabled Persons, the author came here to interview. The car was stunned by everything in sight. The industrial square was clean and tidy. The equipment in the laboratory showed its ingenuity. The lathe in the workshop was spinning and the electric welding was done. Flashing constantly, a busy scene, like a