
来源 :清华大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wendychenwang
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一种基于Takagi-Sugeno模型的模糊神经网络由前件网络和后件网络两部分组成。前件网络用来匹配模糊规则的前件,它相当于每条规则的适用度。后件网络用来实现模糊规则的后件。总的输出为各模糊规则后件的加权和,加权系数为各条规则的适用度。所提出的模糊神经网络具有局部逼近功能,且具有神经网络和模糊逻辑两者的优点。它既可以容易地表示模糊和定性的知识,又具有较好的学习能力。给出了调整规则后件参数及前件隶属度函数参数的学习算法,举例说明了它的逼近性能。 A kind of fuzzy neural network based on Takagi-Sugeno model consists of two parts: the pre-network and the post-network. The antecedent network is used to match the antecedent of fuzzy rules, which is equivalent to the applicability of each rule. The post-part network is used to implement the fuzzy rules of the aftermath. The total output is the weighted sum of the pieces of the fuzzy rules, and the weighting coefficient is the fitness of each rule. The proposed fuzzy neural network has the local approximation function and has the advantages of both neural network and fuzzy logic. It can not only express fuzzy and qualitative knowledge, but also has good learning ability. The learning algorithm for adjusting the parameters of the rules after the rules and the parameters of the membership function is given, and the approximation performance of the algorithm is illustrated.
根据棉花各生育期的需水量及降水情况,适时适量排水、灌水,是保证棉花稳产高产的一项关键措施。 (一)降水量和棉花产量的关系在大面积生产中,皮棉亩产和棉花生长季节的降水
该文论述了成象光谱信息在鄱阳湖湿地进行植被光谱识别分类与生物量制图的部分研究结果 ,研究如何从高光谱分辨率图象上有效地定量提取植被生物物理参量以及湿地植被类型识别
0INTRODUCTIONPneumaticsystemhasbeenwidelyusedinrobot,aircraftandotherequipmentbecauseofitssavingenergy,nopolution,highspeedan... 0INTRODUCTIONPneumaticsystemhasbeenwidelyusedinrobot, aircraftandotquipmentbecauseofitssavingenergy, nopolution, highspeedan
问:为什么杂交水稻田中会出现“冬不老”植株? 答:我们常在糯稻田中发现生长旺盛,植株高大,叶片繁茂,具有明显生长优势,表现特别晚熟或根本不抽穗的植株,这就是“冬不老”植
一、来源和特性 (一)来源。温麦169(原代号169)是以友谊麦作母本、科春5号作父本,于1972年春季杂交,后经两次在黑龙江省佳木斯夏繁加代,采用派生系统选择法,于76年育成(图1)
This paper proposes a constructive approach to solving geometric constraint systems.The approach incorporates graph-based and rule-based approaches, and achieve