“拍电视剧,就是混点儿散碎银两;搞艺术过戏瘾,还得是话剧。”一些搞影视剧的演员、编导常半开玩笑地这样说,借此在为稻粮谋的现实和为艺术献身的理想之间寻求心理平衡。显然,在他们的心中深藏着这样一种意识:话剧的艺术性高于电视剧。 一些研究者说,话剧和电视剧分属两个不同门类的艺术,没有可比性,但老百姓却自然而然地将两者放在一起比较,都是演人物、讲故事,都是三皇五帝、痴男怨女,演得好,扮得孬,好看不好看,一比不就出来了吗?我站在这种朴素的比较观一边。 电视,作为工业社会中新崛起的大众传媒,与“粗俗”的大众有着天然的血亲关系。
“Making TV dramas is a bit of a mess.” To engage in artistic addictions and addiction is drama. “Some of the actors and actresses who make films and TV dramas say so often and jokingly, Psychological balance is sought between ideals of artistic devotion. Obviously, there is a deep sense in their hearts that drama is more artistic than drama. Some researchers say that drama and TV drama belong to two different categories of art and are not comparable. However, the common people naturally put the two together, all performing characters and telling stories. All of them are the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Well, playful, playful, look good, do not get out of it? I stand in this simple comparison of the other side. Television, as a newly emerging mass media in industrialized society, has a natural blood relationship with the ”vulgar" public.