In order to analyze the fluid flow process and reduce the flow resistance, the concept that the flow velocity and the velocity gradient are synergistic in the whole flow area is proposed. It is considered that the resistance of the fluid in the flow process is affected not only by the flow velocity and the velocity gradient, but also Based on which the principle of minimum mechanical energy dissipation in the fluid flow process is proposed, and it is considered that the lower the synergy between the flow velocity and the velocity gradient in the entire flow area, the lower the viscosity in the process of fluid flow According to the principle of least mechanical energy dissipation, the viscosity dissipation function is obtained under certain constraints and the synergistic equation of fluid flow field is obtained, and the synergistic equation of the field is obtained Good flow field, so that the viscosity of the fluid flow in the process of taking the smallest value, the lowest flow resistance.Finally, the parallel pipeline flow distribution as an example, according to the principle of minimum mechanical energy dissipation speed distributor optimized design, Reduce fluid flow resistance in parallel lines.