Crazy running for saving the environment 疯狂跑步只为环保

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  We are in an environmental crisis. The planet is heating up, and the Amazon is terribly on fire. And it often feels like theres nothing you can do in the face of such a large scale catastrophe. But one man called Tony Riddle is active and taking on an incredible challenge to raise vital funds for environmental charities and raise awareness of current problems by running barefoot.
  Tony Riddle will run the length of the
  United Kingdom from Lands End to John
  OGroats—almost 900 miles. Covering approximately 30 miles per day for 30 days, the natural lifestyle coach aims to raise £25,000 for five environmental charities. He hopes that it will provide a platform to stress the importance of connecting with our environment, and to demonstrate the incredible possibilities of human bodies.
  Theres also a deeper meaning behind his decision to run barefoot. Tonys feet were once a source of severe pain. He was born with under?developed lower limbs(肢) and was bound by metal for the first 12 weeks of his life and then braced (带着) for the next two years. It was a long road to recovery, but now his feet have now been transformed into super strong foundations that are able to carry him across the entirety of the country.
  “We are so disconnected from nature. How can we ever relate to our environmental issues and fully commit to sustainability?” asks Tony. “If we cant connect or relate to nature, what chance do we have of saving it, and ourselves?” As a father to three children, soon to be four, I feel the need for a change in our current disconnected behaviors. We need to do more to communicate the problem that arises from our disconnection from the natural world. “This is why I have chosen to support these organizations which protect our oceans, lands and animals, including human species.”
  1. What made Tony Riddle run with bare feet?
  A. Large scale catastrophes.
  B. The rising temperature.
  C. Amazon fire.
  D. Environmental problems.
  2. What does the underlined word “demonstrate” in paragraph 2 mean?
  A. Strike.
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一把伞,在一次随意的开合与收放之间,即完成了空间的折叠、重组与建设……伞是具有装饰意味的物件,是个人的移动舞台。  造化的神奇,无需多言,蘑菇、树是有机的、自然生成的伞。南美伯利兹盛产林木,其中有一种树就叫做“伞树”,树冠如同巨伞撑开,下雨的时候,树下可站数十人。这种伞树,一度成为伯利兹的象征。  伞在雨中自由移动、在阳光下灿烂如花,伞是杰出的仿生学作品——有干、有枝、有叶,有合理的力学结构和美学
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年画是非常传统的老手艺,今天恐怕只有一些农村地区过年时才会想起它。而三个四川女子,却把这种“土得掉渣”的东西做成了时尚现代的生活用品。三彩画坊以传统价值为里,市场意识为表,通过创新与包装发掘出传统文化的魅力,既赢得了市场又传播了民间艺术。    小城新风景    走在绵竹的街头,除了扑面而来的酒香,更多的是那一幅幅移动的年画带给你的惊艳。传统的年画不是出现在春节氛围里的家门上,而是随着年轻人的青春
变迁的生活,温暖的手工  策划、执行 / 本刊编辑部  统筹 / 宋云华 李科    前言  毋庸置疑,这是一个瞬息万变的时代。  自1978年改革开放以来,从宏观的社会经济到个体的日常生活,每天都在发生着巨变。置身其间,我们每个人都参与着这个时代的宏大叙事,用哪怕微小的改变推动着时代进程。  在改革开放这个大的命题下,我们看到这样一个有意思的截面——那些曾经支撑生活、改善生活的日常手工劳动——在
Task 1
Im a big fan of saving the environment, and I take part in Earth Hour annually. Earth Hour is an event where you turn off all unimportant lights and power between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm.   1 Instead, pe
语篇导读  外国人来中国爬长城不足为奇,但外国人在长城捡垃圾,而且一捡就是二十多年,你听说过吗?他就是英国人威廉·林赛。他曾获得中国国务院颁发的“友谊奖章”和北京市人民政府颁发的“长城友谊奖”,也曾获得英国女王授予的“帝国勋章”。让我们阅读下文,一起来了解一下他的故事吧!  !956年,威廉·林赛出生于英格兰西北部的小镇沃勒西。当他11岁的时候,他就爱上了长城。他想如果有一天他能从头到尾沿着它走一