【摘 要】
Without specifying the structure of a time series,we model the distribution of a multivariate Markov process in discrete time by the corresponding multivariate
【机 构】
Boise State University, Boise, ID, USA
Without specifying the structure of a time series,we model the distribution of a multivariate Markov process in discrete time by the corresponding multivariate Markov family and the one-dimensional flows of marginal distributions.Such models tackle simultaneously temporal dependence and contemporaneous dependence between time series.A specific parametric form of stationary copula,namely skew-t copula,is assumed.Skew-t copulas are capable of modeling asymmetry,skewness,and heavy tails.An empirical study with unfiltered daily returns for three stock indices shows that the skew-t copula Markov model provides a better fit than the skew-Normal copula Markov or t-copula Markov model,and the skew-t copula model without Markov property.
三月底的一个周末,薛勇独自一人走在熙熙攘攘的重庆南坪步行街上,神色落寞地望着眼前人流不息的热闹景象,身旁一个个身着轻便春装的年轻人与他擦肩而过,带走一片欢声笑语。薛勇却止不住悲从中来,几乎每个人都穿着各式各样的牛仔裤,为什么我的牛仔裤专卖店这么快就“夭折”了呢? 激情创业 薛勇是重庆江津人,18岁高中毕业即跟随一直经商的堂兄做建材生意,几年时间他走南闯北也逐渐摸索到了一些经营之道。去年
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It is well-known that Hermite rational interpolation gives a better approximation than Hermite polynomial interpolation,especially for large sequences of interp