实施教育的方法 《中国远程教育》:今天非常高兴能够邀请到英国开放大学和我国远程教育领域的专家参加我们的“远教沙龙”活动,希望能和在座的各位一起来分享在远程教育事业中的心得和经验,并共同度过一个愉快的周末。首先请问一下保罗·克拉克博士和罗宾·梅森教授,在你们来中国之前对中国的远程教育状况有什么样的了解吗?
China Distance Education: Today is pleased to invite UK Open University and our country’s distance education experts to participate in our “Teach Out Salon” campaign and hope to join with you here to share in the field of distance education Experience and experience, and spend a pleasant weekend together. First of all, I would like to ask Dr. Paul Clarke and Professor Robin Mason, before you come to China to China’s distance education what kind of understanding?