山东省蓬莱市位于胶东半岛最北端,风景秀丽,人杰地灵,素以“八仙过海”的美丽传说和“海市蜃楼”的千古奇观享誉海内外,有“人间仙境”之美称。改革开放20年来,蓬莱经济和财政工作得到迅猛发展。1993年全市财政总收入达10 159万元(老口径,下同),一举迈入全国亿元县行列,1998年全市共完成财政总收入28 176万元,较1993年年均增长22.63%。近几年来,蓬莱财政部门不断强化生财、聚财、理财措施,积极推进各项改革,逐步提高财政运行质量,有力地促进了全市国民经济和各项事业发展。
Shandong Province Penglai City is located in the most northern end of Jiaodong Peninsula, beautiful scenery, old times, known as “Eight Immortals cross the sea ” of the beautiful legend and “Mirage ” wonders of the world won the reputation of “paradise ”. In the 20 years since the reform and opening up, the economic and financial work of Penglai has been rapidly developing. In 1993, the city’s total fiscal revenue reached 101.15 million yuan (old caliber, the same below), which in one fell swoop among the 100 million counties in the country. In 1998, the city completed a total financial revenue of 28 176 million yuan, an increase of 22.63% over 1993. In recent years, the financial department of Penglai has continuously strengthened the measures of making money, collecting wealth and managing financial affairs, actively promoted various reforms and gradually improved the quality of financial operation, effectively promoting the development of the national economy and various undertakings in the city.