中国男篮向职业化迈进的第三年,CBA终于呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象:外援的引进和内援的加盟使队伍间的实力更加接近,场上对抗更趋激烈,精彩场面不断,悬念增加时有“爆冷”、观众屡屡爆满……但美中不足的是,报道CBA的新闻媒体的专业化程度亟待加强和提高。 一、电视转播的画面太单调 对绝大多数热爱篮球的观众而言,他们看球的途径是电视。而现在电视台转播的CBA的比赛画面(即使是中央电视台)太单调,往往偏重全场,对局部队员抢位时的力量对抗、巧妙的配合、个人动作等特写
The third year of China’s professional basketball forward to professionalism, CBA finally showed a thriving scene: the introduction of foreign aid and the aid to join the team closer to the strength between the field more intense competition, the exciting scenes continue suspense increase When there are “upsetting”, the audience is often full ... ... but the fly in the ointment is that the coverage of the CBA’s news media, the degree of specialization needs to be strengthened and improved. First, the television screen too dull For the vast majority of basketball fans, the way they watch the ball is television. And now the television broadcast of the CBA game screen (even CCTV) is too monotonous, tend to favor the audience, the strength of local players grab the position of confrontation, clever co-ordination, personal action and other features