在亚热带丘陵山地,啮齿动物对林木生长的危害日趋明显,必须及时预防。 1.种类 危害林木的啮齿动物主要有社鼠、黑线姬鼠、黑腹绒鼠、黄毛鼠、赤腹松鼠等10多种。在荒山为主的林地,社鼠、黑腹绒鼠等最多;低丘混交林中多为黄毛鼠、巢鼠;高山混交林中以白腹巨鼠居多;苗圃中主要是黑线姬鼠;林地水源旁以黄毛鼠为多见。 2.危害状况 啮齿类动物在苗圃主要取食播下的种子,造成缺苗断垄。以松科、木兰科、蔷薇科、壳斗科的种子最易被害,田埂边的苗床受害尤其严重,有时缺苗率可达60%以上。在新造杉木林地主要啃食苗木梢头和地上部分,3~4月为危害盛期,以石堆、坟旁尤为严重,林
In the subtropical hilly region, the harm of rodents to the growth of trees has become increasingly evident and must be prevented in time. 1. Types of rodents harmful to forests mainly social rodents, Apodemus, black godess, ruddy rat, red squirrel more than 10 kinds. Mostly in the barren hills of woodland, social rats, black belly wallaby and other most; mixed forest in the hilly mostly Rattus rat, Hamster; alpine mixed forest in the majority of white-bellied rats; Nursery mainly Apodemus ; Rattus norvegicus is more common in woodland. 2. Hazard status Rodents mainly in the nursery feeding sowing seeds, resulting in missing seedlings off ridge. The seeds of Pinaceae, Magnoliaceae, Rosaceae and Fagaceae are most vulnerable to damage. The seedlings on the fields are particularly badly damaged, and the seedling rate may be as high as 60% or more. In the new Chinese fir plantation mainly eaten nursery stock shoots and aerial parts, 3 to 4 months for the endangering period, with stone piles, the grave is particularly serious, Lin