第五章 防汛抗洪 第三十五条 防汛抗洪工作实行各级地方人民政府行政首长负责制,统一指挥、分级分部门负责。 第三十大条 市、县人民政府应当设立由有关部门、同级军事机关负责人等组成的防汛指挥机构,在上级防汛指挥机构和本级人民政府的领导下,统一指挥本行政区域内城乡防汛抗洪工作。 各级防汛指挥机构的组成部门和单位,应当按照各自的职责分工,
Chapter V Flood Prevention and Flood Fighting Article 35 Flood control and flood fighting shall be implemented under the responsibility system of the executive heads of local people’s governments at all levels and shall be under the unified command and responsibility of different levels and departments. Article 30 The municipal and county people’s governments shall set up flood control command agencies composed of relevant departments and persons in charge of military organs at the same level. Under the leadership of the flood control headquarters and the people’s government at the same level, they shall command the urban and rural areas within their respective administrative areas Flood control and flood fighting work. The constituent departments and units of flood control headquarters at all levels shall, in accordance with their respective division of responsibilities,