患者 男 ,1 1岁。因发现左额部隆起 1d入院。否认有头痛及外伤史。查体 :左额部较右侧明显局限性隆起 ,有 7 0× 7 0cm× 3 0cm ,质硬 ,无压痛 ,未闻血管杂音。头颅X光片示 :左额骨变薄 ,并有骨质破坏。头颅CT片示左额部可见一团块状的高密度影 ,大小约 7 0cm× 6 4
Patient male, 1 1 year old. Because of the discovery of the left forehead uplift 1d admission. Denied a history of headache and trauma. Physical examination: the left frontal than the obvious limitations of the right side of the bulge, there 7 0 × 7 0cm × 3 0cm, hard, no tenderness, no smell of blood vessels. Skull X-ray showed: left frontal bone thinning, and bone destruction. Head CT scan showed a mass of lumps of high-density shadow on the left forehead, the size of about 7 0cm × 6 4